by FCC Slovensko, s.r.o.



Set a reminder for each type of waste and you will never forget to unload your waste bins again.Simply download the application to your mobile phone, after opening, enter your address, choose the types of waste (plastics, paper, municipal waste, etc.) and the frequency of their export. Then all you have to do is set how far in advance you want to be notified about exports and comments can start coming.You can turn on comments for all or only selected types of waste that are exported at your address, and you can change this selection at any time. You can also find the current dates of the next exports of individual commodities in a clear calendar.The application is intended for residents of municipalities and places where waste collection is provided by the FCC.Forget the paper waste export schedule in your village or town. The Unload Garbage application from FCC Slovakia thinks of your garbage for you.Dont hold in your head what you dont have to!